Sunday, 2 May 2010

Saturday Night & Sunday Morning - Sound

How does the director use sound effectively in the film?


  1. The soundtrack of Saturday Night & Sunday Morning gives effect of a Jack the lad inroduction music. Sounds like cool jazz with the instuments reflecting the era of the film

    The acsent s of the characters are regional accents that represnts thier class and region

    Soundeffects are the beggining of the film such as the banging and clinking reprsents the area as an industrial area, factory workers which also represtns the class as its an associated working class occupation.

    The use if regional accents, shows that the charcaters have been living in the same area for all of their lives. This gives a hint to the auidence the ideology of the characters in the film.

    in the beggining of the film it starts with a monologue by arthur seaton speaking in his mind this show his lack of expression for the other workers

  2. The narrative from Arthur also helps to connect the audience with Arthur - he speaks directly to us.

  3. The monolgue expresses the lack of respect for higher authority and sets his character as a troublemaker.; As most monologue's at a start of a film usually do introducethe character and hidden turmoil this monluge also gives a predisposition of events to come.
